Representative Amanda Elizabeth Toll for N.H. House of Representatives
Why She’s Running:
Amanda is running for NH State Representative to continue her fierce advocacy for women, children, LGBTQIAGNC folks, racial justice, and progressive social change. Amanda is running for Cheshire District 15, which covers all of Keene’s wards 1, 3, 4, and 5; Surry, Walpole, Hinsdale, and Westmoreland. Please vote for her in the Primary, September 13.
Amanda is a mother, NH State Representative, yoga teacher and small business owner. She was born and raised in New Hampshire. NH is a wonderful place, and she believes we have a tremendous opportunity for even more positive growth by attracting young people and creating more opportunities for people from all walks of life to build lives and raise families here. The key to doing this is creating a state that is green, has great schools, vibrant recreational spaces including parks and libraries, an environment where local businesses can thrive, and is warm and welcoming towards ALL including immigrants, people of color, women, and LGBTQIAGNC folks.
Core Political Principles
Amanda is a progressive Democrat. She cares deeply about many issues including combating climate change, implementing gun control, instituting humane immigration policies, and building a strong social safety net that includes single-payer healthcare, affordable housing, excellent educational opportunities and social security. Additionally, Amanda has a passion for feminism and feminist issues.
Legislative Objectives
Amanda is committed to being a consistent progressive vote in the NH House on issues across the board. Key to Amanda’s commitment to feminist and progressive principles is her dedication to domestic and sexual violence prevention, while supporting survivors and advancing reproductive justice.
Amanda in the News
Check out some of Amanda’s media coverage over the course of her first term as your state representative.

Contact Amanda
Feel free to contact Amanda with any questions about her campaign.